UPSAHL - Douchebag (Single)

I love records that are just right away with the shits & UPSAHL’s latest single is just that, right away, calling the person in question a “Douchebag,” but not for the sake of just claiming this person is that. She actually has a lot of evidence to support her claim, which is littered throughout this pop number, but it has that punky tonality to it. It might just the way she’s carrying herself on this record; you can hear her channeling her inner teen angst on here. Surely the kids will eat this one up; it sounds like something I’d listen to in 2010 just sifting through the radio, which automatically hit this song.

Judging from her shirt on the cover, this does sound like a song I’d hear on Shameless; too bad it ended. If you must know, Lip Gallagher had a similar shirt, but that’s beside the point of the music, which is so infectious. The way that subtle pop beat just takes you back to a time when you were young, we’ve all found ourselves in a relationship we didn’t want to be in, where we just settle for less cause we’re afraid to be alone but not her. She’s not going to just sit around & be disrespected; she’s going to hold you accountable for your bullshit & quite honestly, it just might embarrass you if you haven’t already yourself, I just get that vibe from her.

It’s unfortunate to see someone you love could just cheat on you like it’s nothing. She only wanted the best for their relationship, but he had to go & fuck it all up, as we men tend to do; sorry, ladies. We are really just a bunch of douchebags & any man who has a problem with her calling them out can take it up with their own reflection. She doesn’t have any time dealing with your douchey frat boy tendencies & nothing you say or do will justify the little stunt you pulled. Just accept who you truly are & quit hurting everybody cause you’re so insecure about yourself or simply an idiot, use that head of yours & no, not that head.