Prada Mama - Hilary Banks (Single)

We first got introduce to Prada Mama by way of her feature on Iman Nunez's 2020 track "The League." She shows off her poised looks with such fierce pedigree behind her rhymes that delivered a series of rap aggression to her style that I needed to hear more of her femme fatale deliverance. We waited patiently to see if she would supply another single to her growing catalog, which to our amazement, she did earlier this week. Looking luxurious on the cover art, she got all pressed in the glitz and glamour just like "Hilary Banks," and like the 90's sitcoms stylist queen; she's staying ahead of the game sounding prestigious and giving a valiant effort to show you why she's an artist that you need to be familiar with moving forward.

Rocking side to side with the production on ease, Prada Mama serves a heap of verses on why she's not here for the hype or views. She's in it to win by any means necessary and will make sure to stand tall in success over her peers. Basic hoes will try to fight or instigate trouble to knock her off her stature, but she's built differently and has no sense to go toe-to-toe since she kills them with success and let the other shit not affect her while she's on the way the paper. She's a representative of her city, and she's looking beyond petty people and haters playing friendly in person; she's seen the snakes in the grass lurking, praying for her downfall but will give them the satisfaction there looking for, so keep on waiting for it. Prada Mama backs up who she is and what she represents in raps that keep the weak-hearted away. She's not just one of the best females out currently, but one of the best artists that people need to recognize more, and she's on the path to do just that, and here's is just the sample before she gets into more.

I know this latest joint will definitely be waking those sleeping on Prada Mama content and turning doubters into believers. Expect great things in the works from Prada Mama in the future and, until then keeping running up the plays on this recent hit.