Luciid Daviid - Soul Ties (Single)

Right off the bat, what a way to debut yourself out there. It’s like some 90’s R&B, but for whatever reason, it sounds like it could’ve come out in the mid-2000s, that is, until that switch-up comes in. That sample, coupled with his storytelling, is a match made in Heaven, but my man got bars as hard as can be on that second half & I love how he eases you into it. I wasn’t expecting it in this record, but it was more than welcomed to satiate my affinity for records that switch up in production, however many times.

In the first half, it’s a bubbly but poignant, almost poppy R&B track that he floats majestically over, detailing a story of disconnecting himself from a pointless relationship. She did nothing but hold him down & not in a good way & though he’s laying it all out there, he’s not bitter about it. He hopes the best for her; it’s all he wants. She doesn’t even have to apologize if she isn’t capable but, he still thinks of her from time to time, wondering if she does the same. It’s a beautiful tale of letting go, very mature.

But once we cut to that 2nd half, he’s back on his bullshit, stomping through the track with the aggression of a gentle giant. There’s no point in him slamming his gargantuan foot on your little anthill when he’s already moving his mountain on top of your molehill without you knowing & in only a minute, that’s how effortless this rap shit clearly is to him & I for one, am very excited to see what he comes with next cause what a way to come bursting onto the scene!