Awkward Lowlife - Over Me (Single)

Everyone’s favorite Awkward Lowlife is back but with a different purpose, a desire for change & a determination to simultaneously keep fighting these internal & external battles. It can sometimes seem like it’s impossible to overcome. Still, Awk Low ain’t one to ever budge; they say if you want something done, you gotta do it yourself & that’s the energy he’s on with the J Allan laced “Over Me,” just one of the many collabs between the two musical entities.

If it isn’t one thing, it’s another, whether it be dudes talking shit or toxic women, Awk is just doing his own thing in hopes they’ll disperse after realizing they can’t knock down the walls he’s put up to guard his energy. It’s nothing but negativity with people, it seems, so he’d rather not waste his time chasing these distractions cause at the end of it all, that’s all they truly are, distractions from what’s really important to him & what’s beautiful about his style is that it’s always extremely personal, but it’s simultaneously catchy as hell so you may not even realize you’re dancing to his pain, partying it away if you will.

The visuals to this are beautifully shot, just keeping it simple cause Awk doesn’t really need all these theatrics to grab your attention. It’s what he’s saying that grabs you & anyone who ain’t familiar with him can now have a face to the man behind the music. It’s like he’s just proving that, sure, he’s in that flock of newer age artists, solely based on the sound of his music, his appearance & the things Awk talks about in it. Still, it’s always substance-heavy, pun intended & from what I hear, he has an album coming up pretty soon. I’m 100% positive that it’s going to sit at the hilt of this style of music when it comes. He’s the best of both worlds, giving you vibes & focusing on the lyrics just as much as said vibes, making for these infectiously beautiful glimpses into his life & psyche.