Shootaface - Make It Out (Single)

Introduced to us by email, up and comer Shootaface had shared his recent Ace The Shooter directed visual titled “‘Make It Out” that was rumbling through the streets. It could be the Johnny V production or the hard-hitting bass behind Shootaface’s rhyme schemes, yet mixed them with the video, and you got a banger on your hand and a hit that is securing Shootaface’s place as the next artist to have eyes on for the new year.

Got to be patient to make it out, stay out his way, or you won’t make it out; these aren’t just threats by him; these are promises. Got beef? Then let him unload the clip on your hating ass but don’t seek mercy once it’s shown in your face. He’s a tyrant behind these street raps, and his lyrics are dishing out menacing tales of how his ranks in the hood politics have got him to the be in the place he’s at currently. He doesn’t need to talk tough since he backs up his words with his vendettas in his lifestyles. Gun fare galore is seen throughout, and it only goes to show you that he means business at the end of the day, so it better be about the paper that he worked hard to get and don’t bother wasting his time with pity shit that he isn’t worried about in his life right now.

If this is what is to expect from Shootaface, then you can see us on the forefront of every release he drops from here on out. Right here is an artist that should have no problems being a name known throughout 2021. Just remember to show support for his content when it’s out, or you’ll stay sleeping on the next best thing out in the city. Peep the latest visual here from here while sharing it on all available social media platforms.