Lona - Heart Of The Summer (Album)

Summer recently ended, but before it could, Lona had to make sure you knew that he was the heart of it on his fiery new album titled just that, capturing the essence of the feel-good vibes that the season of summer exudes, it’s introspective, reflective & more importantly, he meshes all that into easily digestible songs, even shutting down that whole short album debate cause apparently albums have to be short in this era of streaming. Still, when the songs are this good, there’s no room to complain about the quantity based on some made-up rules.

Opening things up with a sample that I’m sure music aficionados will have a field day trying to figure out, Lona is glad the coldest & longest winter is over. He brings listeners into how he’s been able to overcome his hardships while letting you know just who the fuck he is as a person. Someone who’s still is the person who won’t make it right if he isn’t in the wrong. Yes, I know I dyslexically flipped that, but Lona is someone who’s going to stand on his own 10, hopefully encouraging you to do the same. “People be counting your L’s cause they can’t count on no wins,” lots of great, inspirationally truthful one-liners throughout this project, quotables for days. You can make a little sticky note calendar with most of the lyrics Lona has laid out here. Still, as life can sometimes get in the way, you may have times where you fall & aren’t able to stand but fret not cause “The Bounce Bacc” will make the ‘Fall Off’ worth it & if you don’t believe so, then look no further.

Throughout the 19 song magnum opus from Lona, including a bonus track, Lona blows his past albums out the water. Taking elements from his archive & expanding on them, sounding crisper than ever before. Indicating a new glow up for the artist despite the turbulent times that we’re stuck living in for the time being but instead of focusing on the little things, like haters. He’s choosing to better himself & it more than shows on his excellent Senior effort or 4th album if you don’t know what I meant. In doing so, he created an album that should shine some light on these days; you too can glow up like his if you choose to focus on the right things.

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