Swanny Ivy - It’ll Be Over Soon (Side A) (Album)

Throughout the months, we've seen Swanny hard at work in the studio sessions from working with the likes of artists, producer & guitarist Bomani Ray Barton to being in LA with producers like Duvin & J Allan in hopes that music would soon surface. It wasn't long from those social media viewing where Swanny had announced the release date for his upcoming album titled "It'll Be Over Soon (Side A). It has the kaleidoscope effect as the album cover in entering through Swanny's psyche, where I know we would hear some content that would be far out of this world, and expectations would indeed be crossed.

The album is a trip, and I don't mean that figuratively, I mean that literally; take the intro record that is the same name as the album. The track feels like it's injected with a drug that feels as if spiraling upward in dramatic fashion to alluring heights secured with the melodic vocals that Swanny expresses throughout. We've seen some singles released prior that make it to the album. Still, if you construct it with the new tracks, it sounds so different all pressed together like when first engaging into fan-favorite record Pressure that is a soul searching remedy filled with horns and drums that will take you through a blissful journey. Involving from there, we enter right through Poles that gives it a new introduction that we're first hearing, but it's not we've come across this path. However, like the drug inducing reaction, we're still taking it slow and staying aware of our surroundings. It takes this knowing factor, especially when getting to the record "God Loves Me," that takes a toll on perceiving the rawness of his trip to loveless emotions. It has him residing the chorus over "He's Fucked Up, but God Loves Me," knowing that through the pain and torment, he's still loved by the almighty, and that keeps him going. Nature is calling, and Swanny is answering back with this album; he's dive headfirst in this joyous ballad that is far superior to what we've seen him since he's taken this sound and molded it to be this gracious creature that is full of love & emotion. He has shown growth to it like a forbidden garden; this is the awakening of a Swanny Ivy that we come to know and forever cherish in his time and the next.

I've written about Swanny Ivy for years now, and it still isn't a dull moment. I don't think it will ever be, but I genuinely believe that he's an artist that will pique my curiosity always since he continues to amaze me with everything he's done. I wish him nothing but the best in endeavors for him and his team. I hope to continue writing about him for years on; we highly recommend you stream this latest masterpiece from Swanny Ivy here while sharing it around on all social media platforms.