Donnie Canvas - Fupaymeineedabagthewholethang (EP)

Donnie Canvas has been a force to be reckoned with this entire year, a slew of singles & a strong debut album later & he's back with another EP, just in case you or anybody else didn't get the memo that he's the next up. Ensuring that he will get the recognition he so deserves, most artists don't immediately come back out after their debut, but he isn't slowing down.

He didn't have to add that 4th song. Still, he did cause he's just so very generous in giving his fans that music; the 1st three songs are pretty much the EP's name, which is in tracklist format on the simplistically brash cover art & pretty much self-explanatory. No matter how much he achieves, how good the people around him are, that hunger will never die & he'll forever "need that bag like a monopoly piece" cause there's no end game in sight for him.

Donnie is here to do him because he knows, like all artists, should know that the reward will always be more significant in doing so. He knows his worth & demands to be compensated for his hard work & determination properly & judging from all the music; he's not done demanding it this year. Everyone following this point forward, he puts paint on canvas & hangs it up, you can come to look, or you don't have to, your loss or gain.