Rob Markman feat Doeman - Easy Money Sniper (Single)

Rob Marksman is not here to fuck around, his clips are fully loaded & he, along with Doeman, is here to let them off atop the rooftops. Keeping in spirit with how vicious this bloodsport shall remain & nobody below is safe from their rapid-fire spit!

Both MC’s came to carry out hits on the game cause let’s face it; we got a lot of people we’ve let run around in this game for too long let alone period that does not belong, it’s about time we have somebody take them out so why not two of our elites?

Rob steadily been dropping singles this year, thus marking the 13th, put them all together & you damn near got his 3rd solo album, but I’m sure all these singles are just the warm-up for that! - Anthony

“CEO mind that marketing plan was me, No marketing plan B, turn Markman to MC” is one of the hardest opening lines since seeing it from a journalist standpoint, what he pens down is genuinely the truth. Rob Markman has let his name known in the utopia that is Hip-Hop from being a writer on such magazines like The Source & Vibe. For you, early readers of the publication, you’ve probably seen his writing way before this record here.

He’s a staple among the hip-hop scene that holds it together for new artists to shine. With him being the director of artist relations at Genius, he continues to strive to put many upcoming artists in the necessary ears of those wanting to listen to dope content. Among his reign in publication goes, Rob Markman is also a lyricist that many do not know that fact, which is surprising since if you caught up with this man’s resume, you would’ve been hooked immediately to his content.

This notion brings us to this latest track here named after Kevin Durant’s Instagram handle “Easy Money Sniper” with the combative lyricist Doeman to enlarge a high stratosphere of rap ammunition for the head top to grasp every monumental line transcribed here in this record. - Frank