Dontaskgen feat. Jalen. - Honey on the Hive (Single)

Houston’s very own came splashing onto the scene with his unique spin on R&B, immediately setting himself apart from other Houston artists and other artists outside of his city.

“Honey on the Hive” opens with these insane guitar rifts as his soothing serenades slowly creep in with those chimes playing underneath it, building up into a hazy atmosphere of production that allows him to belt out these cries to the lover in question.

Completely different from the last record, this is what I admire the most in artists, keep me compelled, tuned in, to where I don’t know where you’ll be going next. When you listen to “Keep Ya Cool” & then this record back to back, the juxtaposition will blow your mind. Hopefully, his third effort, which is undoubtedly upcoming, will show him flexing this versatility so much more than he already has with previous records.