Kiki Ambrose - Numb (Video)

After being introduced to her from Cha'Keeta B's recent visual drop, Kiki Ambrose shared her latest solo release titled "Numb." It takes us through another erotic tale, but shifting to a more harmonious record seals the deal and keeps us tied into its sultry viewing.

Dim the lights for this intimate visual that shares Kiki's ambitions to having all of her fantasies arise in the heat of passion. She is tranquil with sinister thoughts in the bedroom that keep her temple feeling numb with the knowledge that each touch can be a thrill ride of sensational proportion. Kiki digs in deep with an angelic sound that sets in the mood and becomes your theme music for a wild night of tantalizing nature.

I'm hoping with this latest release and her recent feature that more people can have an introduction to her content which is a fresh take in R&B that I can see many others falling head over heels for. Until more surfaces from Kiki Ambrose, we recommend checking out the latest visual below while stacking up the views to get it past the 1K mark by the end of the month.