Kat Whitlock - Killing Time (Video) Shot By Josh Sikkeka

Kat Whitlock is having a devil of a time maneuvering a bad relationship in the video for her latest smash “Killing Time” & time we do kill on those who we really shouldn’t be killing our time let alone ourselves over but the mind loves to play games don’t it?

Probably her poppiest sound but still got that raw flavor that Kat wields through her raspy wails & smooth serenading tone, she’s against the clock debating whether or not to divert back to who she knows in her heart is no good but there must be something about him that draws her back but by the appointed time she arrives, he ain’t there, he’s somewhere else, killing time as she drives by & shuts the door on the opportunity to open hers and walk right back into his life.

Kat is an ever growing talent, a product of other strong females in music like Stevie Knicks but an artist all her own with a sound all her own, vivacious, refreshing & reminiscent of a time where teenage angst was really taking over.