WHO - Hidden Mist (Outro) (Video) Dir By DavieeDavee Prod By CLEF

If CLEF produced it & DavieeDavee directed it, you know it’s about to be greatness & that’s exactly what we get with WHO’s latest eye opening, bullet sweating ode to watching over one’s shoulder.

The paranoia inducing cut will send goosebumps down the spines of the cold hearted & the video only amplifies that with its stark juxtaposition between the good & the evil within WHO, WHO waking up surrounding by “Whooligans” and WHO stepping out as the man behind the madness, concocting the madness and later trying to run from it.

WHO is in full cult leader mode in what is quite possibly the most panicky music video I’ve seen in a long time & with an album coming soon, one can only hope we get more visuals this nerve wrecking.