Joey Botello - I Won

Continuing his slew of singles, Joey Botello adds to the Caribbean dance Pop of “Not That Far”, the pulsating power pop of “Best Friend” & the floor stopping clubbiness of “Sorry in Advance” with the slow burning R&B lounge of “I Won”.

Joey doesn’t want to be with anybody than his significant other, the others don’t count, they don’t even exist, this love she makes him feel is too powerful & Botello expresses that she’s already given him the ultimate prize & thanks her for putting up with him, I’m sure listeners will find it relatable to their own relationships.

We haven’t gotten a full length project from Joey since 2016’s “Mad Man” and with four standalone singles out now, one can only hope they’re the beginning of a sophomore effort & possibly all a part of said record cause this music is too good to sit alone.