Vi$ion - Six Hours (Album)

In October of last year, Vi$ion hit us with a magnum opus of a comic book inspired debut, at least album art wise with “Look What I Found” & that’s always tricky when your debut is that good, it can be hard to top but he’s getting there with this “Six Hours” EP.

A song for every hour, I would advise to have each song on loop for each hour just to double down on the feeling of each AND hear everything there is to hear within each song.

Whether offering gemstones cause this is of course the jewelry business and there’s always a lot to appreciate when people share their knowledge and wisdom, any helpful information they can lend, take it from someone who’s been through the ringer “Free Game”, questioning through self reflection “IDK” or coming to grips with the understanding of who he is on “Phenom”, Vi$ion is here to share his story with welcoming ease & we’re here for the ride.