The Teeta & Netherfriends - The Quarantine (Album)

The Teeta & Netherfriends are here to ease your paranoia with this easy listening, chock full of very relevant topics that have no doubt been getting a lot of us through this moment of isolation but this album is the furthest from social distancing, The Teeta is speaking to us still, rather he’s physically distant.

Each of the titles represent a beautiful piece of work, the subtle flexes of “Uncorked”, a 2020 Netflix film by Prentice Penny, the hoppy bouncings of “All American”, a sports drama series on The CW, the narcissism of “Tiger King”, do I really gotta explain that one, the hunger of “The Platform”, a Spanish horror film on Netflix by Galder Gaztela-Urrutia, those scratches at the end are sooooo sick, channeling his inner Marty Byrde on “Ozark”, posted “On The Block” in cautionary fashion, slamming like the tail of Tobias Whale on “Black Lightning”, another The CW syndicated show, the sleeper cell ambushing of “Bad Boys 4 Life” & capping it all off perfectly with him finally “Breaking Bad” lyrically, the chemical reaction is explosive!

All in all, this will be a time capsule for us to return to once this is over, the concept is brilliant, the music is soothing but banging & the lyrics are full of wit, be sure to check out all the great TV & cinema he was so kind to share with us AFTER you listen & heed.