Baby Aztro - Now It’s Getting Gloomy After Sundown (Album) Executive Prod By
I’m gonna be honest, I would have never expected this level of dense lyricism from an artist named Baby Aztro but throughout the course of these 8 records, he forces your ears to grasp every bar, once you lose yourself in the soul sampled loops and boppingly head nodding boom bap rhythms he’s teaching you his lessons over, you will have no other choice but to pay attention & heed everything being taught to you.
The title being as eye grabbing as it is also offers us 3 versions of the title track, each sounding better than the last, a gorgeous little instrumental interlude & 5 “you gonna want to put on your thinking cap for this” records that will leave you salivating for more but this will satiate you for a good while before then.
This is as socially conscious as it gets but this is not conscious rap, it’s just beautiful music with meaning & Aztro is urging that you walk away from these lessons willing to unlearn the things you’ve been taught and learn anew.