Tvlormvde - Reminder (Single)

One of Houston's alternative rap darlings in Tvlormade is back with a vengeance & a "Reminder" for anyone who may have forgotten his talents. He's here to change the climate & be the change he wishes to see without sacrificing who he is as not only an artist but as a person. Some of the things he enjoys may not be for the soft-hearted, but they're for him & this is his world; we're just on the outside looking in unless we choose to follow into these abysmal depths of his psyche.

Beat Demons supply him with such atrabilious production that he can't help but be caliginous as he impassionately delivers his aphotic reign. Just portending over the beat like the darkest of rain clouds while reminding his own demons that he's here to answer to them & involve himself in all the behaviors he knows is probably not good for him. He's overdoing it, even cutting through the noise of the heavens clearly falling before his very eyes.

If any of these singles he's released from last year to this year are indications of what's to come on his sophomore follow-up to his 2018 debut "Light Beams," well, then I think we're are in for something not completely different. Still, at least a further expansion on his self tailor-made sound, things are changing fast, so he's going to hit the gas to catch up with it all & need he remind you of his talents that continue to elevate, even you refuse to see what's hiding in plain sight.