YONE - Drownin’ (Video)

Taken from his excellent EP earlier in the year, “Devise,” that of which you can read our review of on our site, San Antonio mainstay Yone is back with the visual treatment for his subtle onslaught of introspection “Drownin’.” The music itself sounding like despair as he’s drowning in his own vices while still maintaining enough balance not to topple over.

Yone’s rhymes are as hallucinatory as it gets with how easily his free-flowing lyricism can seep into your psyche with spellbinding side effects & the purple theme he has going on only further exemplifies that. Even being that the same color scheme is on the cover art as he burns through these lines faster than that keif only blunt that he’s inhaling.

Just like what’s in his cup, it’s easy for those who admire skill over everything to lean on a lyricist this dope. The psychedelic feels of his production allow the listener to get lost in what he’s saying but being under the influence of any sort of illicit substance, and soon you may be in a purple forest yourself. Still, as far as rapping goes, you’ll never be lyrically hopping across nine clouds 9’s like he is.