Tren$etta - Second Thoughts (Video)

Not born but raised in San Antonio doesn’t matter because, either way, we got a dope MC repping our city, so that’s all that matters. Mission City’s own Tren$etta is here to set them rather than chase them like all you other little kids running around just getting in the way of artists like Tren. Still, he’ll be damned if anything is going to overshadow him, even if he ever has “Second Thoughts” about his life, don’t we all?

Taken from his EP back in April, “Trials & Tribulations,” highly recommended; by the way, Tren calls on Mission City & Money Williams to help bring his vision to life on the visual treatment for the introspective cut from the EP. Finding him pondering whether or not he should continue with the life he’s leading, he knows it’s not what his parents may want, but it’s what he wants.

While he hears the second thoughts, he’s just choosing not to heed them cause Tren$etta is enjoying the life he’s reveling in. It’s a hustle to which he’s very dedicated & determined to excel in & further his growth as an artist, entrepreneur & most importantly, a man. While it may be a slow climb, he’s steadily on that incline with no signs of sliding down, no matter how slick what’s steep may be.