Mantangi - Rhythm & Poetry, Vol 1 (Album)

Mantangi is here to share his collection of anecdotes, excerpts from straight out his notebook. Some personal reflective cuts, some reflecting on his surroundings, others just merely stories of those around him, but that still are a part of his story. Telling them how he witnessed it all, it's "Rhythm & Poetry" or poetry in motion, the instrumentation remaining soulful & meditative. It's the perfect canvas for him to reflect on his life upon his journey.

Immediately, he lays down what this project is all about on "The Preface," instantly setting the tonality of the entire album. Telling you what he hopes you walk away with after journeying through his art. "Before You Judge," you should listen to him release his heart & soul over these timeless think pieces for his transparent testimonies. It just may help you overcome whatever tragedies or misfortunes you've faced & may still be facing.

What's so important about this album is how delicately he embraces his vulnerability. The three poems throughout really driving that home, records like "Venable Village" let us know that we're all in this together or "Real Love Last Forever," which gives hope for hopeless romantics like myself. Even rapping over "GBKW" from Murs, bringing it all back to the core of all this, Hip Hop, & with records like this, we're reminded just how powerful this music really is.