RĒME - Dark Room (Video)

On his latest single, RĒME offers an aura of mystique on the dimly lit visuals for “Dark Room.” An ode to isolation, channeling his deepest & most darkest thoughts that conjure up in his mind. Possibly clouding it, onto wax for an insightful journey into the psyche of a man who’s frustrations all around him are forcing these lyrics out of himself like an artesian well.

The lyrical skill is very much there & unexpected upon jumping into this, just due to the auto-tuned crooning & minimalist trap beat. Still, both further add to the ambiance of the record & allow the listener to really focus on what is being said & I won’t point out any lines. Still, there’s one, in particular, that may possibly send people on a downward spiral emotionally.

Being stuck with yourself can be draining & RĒME allows his darkness to bleed out over the darkroom he’s residing in, so if anybody else is in the room with him, they may want to lift their feet up as he profusely bleeds out his emotions & thoughts all over the nicely clean floor, his closet door flinging open on its own to let out the skeletons that have been sitting there for far too long.