Intre - Third Temple (Album)

Collaboration albums between MC & producer will always be an exciting event & San Antonio mainstay Intre links up with Murk Russell for more of his insightfully elite lyricism. Waxing poetically as ever over Murk’s murky production, the two complements each other effortlessly throughout, with Murk bringing out the best we already expected from a monster like Intre.

Intre is not a fan of the propaganda; he’s here to spill the truth, so much fact, it just may fry your implanted computer chip. He knows he’s being watched, so Intre will put his life on the line to stand for something rather than fall for nothing like most Americans tend to do. He’s not going to allow himself to play into the mind games these people try to play on you cause what they hope is that people just like Intre will just continue remaining willfully ignorant of all the malevolent things they do. Still, he’s not a voice you can silence so easily, a true son of anarchy.

Jai Black, Lord Jessiah, Nilo Stari & Boydeans all manage to keep up with his fiery insightfulness. I’m not going to waste my time breaking his verses down for you; that’s for you to really listen & heed all the vital information that’s closing in on you throughout the 35-minute run, no different than the walls that are doing the same; it doesn’t get more immolating than when you’re trapped inside the “Third Temple.”