Karma5Hunnit - Let Me Speak (Video)

Karma5Hunnit has been in combative mode with his last few visual release that set up a wave on his own. Still, the visual he dropped earlier in the week could be his crowning achievement since he was able to slow down in his creative pattern of onslaught warfare in the streets with a more bravado sound. It can be connected with hustlers, street advocates, and many others coping with the tough times and struggles of life in their neighborhoods.

He’s teamed with Ace The Shooter on this one to bring the harsh realities to life for him as he wakes up not being sure that he makes it out alive today. Kisses his momma, keep his strapped tucked close, and takes it day by day with the routines that help him make it out the struggle. We don’t get to see everyone’s daily lives and what they go through just to survive in the day, but here we get to hear Karma’s roar for existence that he’s able to go serve up in the only way he knows how: through his music. This release is a new side of Karma5hunnid that we haven’t seen or heard before, and possibly could be the realist shit we’ve heard from him so far since it takes a lot to share these moments with people, and it’s things like this that stick out to listeners like myself and makes it go a helluva long way.

I pray with the attention that he’s getting so far with this visual drop that many more like it are soon to follow, hopefully in a project before the year ends, but if not, we’ll continue to stay on the lookout until more is announced. We highly recommend checking out the visual here while running up the views on it and sharing it across social media avenues.