Kenny Casanova - Who Is Uuu (Video)

During the weekend, PNTHN crewmember Kenny Casanova released a new visual titled "Who Is Uuu." It's in a nostalgic viewing of an 80's TV show with the glitz and glamour of acting before CGI with featurettes like an infomercial throughout the visual. It's mixed in heavy with Kenny's outlandish raps that are catchy in a wave-esque vibe that has already flooded in with 3.6K in views over the last few days and is expected to have more come in for the remainder of the month.

Served with production by meltycanon, Kenny Casanova zany personality takes over the star-studded release with an out of this world creative process back with Jeffrey Garcia behind the lens that has him hunting down aliens preceding to populate his block. He's dressed down in a suit that resemblances the early stage of Steve Harvey's classic church suit era kicking down doors and running the aliens of their tech before being abducted. The video comes to a halting end that shows Kenny aboard the UFO, that before was wreaking havoc throughout the globe, taking off in hyperdrive back to their original home. Kenny Casanova dishes a wild variety of intergalactic rhymes with this record that makes it another hit on his growing catalog, and with its visual draw certifies it to be a classic in the making for the rising Texas emcee.

After having his previously released EP "Sweet Aromatic" serving much attention earlier this year, I'm hoping this latest record is going to be found on his follow up project, hopefully in the works already. We shall wait and see what announcements could be brewing on his end, but until then, we recommend for you to check out the visual below and be sure to continue stacking up the views while sharing it on all social media avenues.