Frito Gang - Not For Sale! (EP)

If anybody can get me inside of a church, it’s this familial collective, your favorite choir boys, the almighty Frito Gang drop off 5 addendums to last years opus “Garage Sale” that honestly fit snug into that project.

Kicking things off with “Need”, the gang lists off their needs with a rare kind of lyrical prowess that just doesn’t fall out of the sky, picture GQ’s “10 Things so & so Can’t Live Without” series but in song form & you get this.

With cartoonish onslaughts as real as they get (“BEN10”), irresistibly anthemic subtleties with (“Double Date”), keeping their noses to the grindstone in the pursuit of beautiful women (“Work”) & late night bops infused with their infatuation of a woman’s (“Body”), this contains everything you love about Frito Gang, ironically so, it’s nothing short of short & sweet!