Dingo Johnson - Hogtie prod by SayJackson

Dingo Johnson having been on hiatus for two years (if I’m wrong on the timeframe my bad, get you a Wikipedia bro) released a new track that got the city screaming DINGO HIVE!!! again so you think he chill for a bit and work on a project that includes our name (lmaooo don’t do it) but instead he just kept stomping away on yall’s neck with another drop titled “Hogtie” that comes with production from SayJackson again that is now bragging a bit since he’s practically an unstoppable threat again which means it’s only time until he’s back in Twitter jail. So I’m thinking drops like this will be a normal thing and I’m hoping it continues frequently so we can just keep doing posts like this. Make sure your giving this joint the time of day and not hating on it like y’all do everything else. (Salute) 

[HERE] Apple Music Link 
