Dingo Johnson - Heat Check prod by SayJackson
Story time people, back in the day there was an artist that went by Dingo Johnson. He was looked at as a troll in the city but really he was making views left & right from his music plus visuals (that hit in the thousands days after release) that made others hate on the mans success. After his debuted mixtape went double platinum with two feature, he then went in to hiatus due to a medical procedure he had to get done. It was looking gloomy for fans of his craft not knowing if we were ever going to hear more Dingo music but after years of waiting he shared that things were looking positive since his successful surgery and shared that new music would be in the works very soon. With high hopes to see music surface, Dingo shared with your humble narrator that he would be dropping something shortly, now as I waited very patiently for the track to hit my speakers which luckily minuntes later it did. Track was titled “Heat Check” with production from SayJackson that made it be known that Dingo SZN is upon us and as General of the 2nd Squadron of Dingo Hive, it is my duty to have it showcase on the site today for y’all haters, nonbeievers & wack ass rappers to go back into hiding as the real is back and ready to take his place where he left off. Respect the game and stay piling the plays for this latest gem from the homie Dingo Johnson. (Salute)