7098 - Cali

 “Cali”, the first single from 7098 you know we needed to show attention to properly since we know the young gawd has been keeping it real on his end with the support and it’s the least we can do. We stay raising awareness for 7098 since we believe he holds the key in the city for representing the future. Breaking away from every release he’s done previously since this is the first audio drop from him that has hit on all streaming services and has gotten much attention that will surely continue getting mad amounts of support. Among having the track out, he’s also shared a preview of the upcoming visual told to be release any day now which definitely has us very hype to view and I’m sure we ain’t the only ones feeling that way. If you haven’t yet jam this recent release from 7098, be sure to do so down below via Apple Music and make sure to show it much love as always. (Salute) 

[HERE] Apple Music Link 
