ABM Benji$ - Bag Talk (Mixtape)
Few days back the homie JBoi had shared this mixtape titled “Bag Talk” on the New Illuminati page and I was curious to check it out since I was unfamiliar with the artist who goes by ABM Benji$ that I took time to listen to the project which easily became a tape I fucked with off the top that I knew out followers would enjoy jamming as wel. The tape has 20-tracks that will make you a fan for sure and guarantee to see replay value for the weekend with much plays to come throughout the month. We hope to get more content later down the way from ABM Benji$ but until then this will do just fine. Down below will be the link to check out the tape on Spinrilla and be sure to show it much love. (Salute)
[HERE] Spinrilla Link