Mace Lee - Rose Tinted Lenses (Album)

Shoutout to the homie Mace Lee for giving us a heads up on his album titled “Rose Tinted Lenses” that was on the verge of being released very soon which we were very hype for so when we got the full project in our grasp we wasted no time to give it a listen and we enjoyed it very much with just the few times we’ve played it that we couldn’t wait to showcase it on the site for our followers to check out. The album comes with 9-tracks that has a lineup of dope features that include Max Wells, Michael Foelker, D-Willy, Krishu, BAMBI, Alex Speed, Hella Sketchy and Chef Courage who’s also on the boards along with Biome Simulator, Tommy Gawd Damn!, D-Willy and Mace Lee himself who even did a grad job of creating such style on his lyrical work for the album that I can only just applaud with much respect. Be sure to check out the album below and show it much love as always. (Salute) 
