Kydd Jones - Homecoming (Album)

Right about 12:45am I was about to catch some Z’s until I saw on Twitter that Kydd Jones had dropped a new album titled “Homecoming” that will definitely keep you up and trust me it’s 3:15am while I write this post becuase it deserves to be heard and given much plays for sure. The album takes off with 15-tracks that will definitely keep you on a flight to cloud 9 with no layovers and will have you experience no turbulence in the sky. While the pilot Kydd Jones is in control, he also has assistance on the production including his co pilot Jallow who has a feature on a track that keep us on the red eye to our destination that we never want to get off. Best believe this will definitely be in rotation for my week and highly recommend y’all check it out below and show it much love. (Salute) 

