Bobby Trill - No$e Candy prod Dell Soda
“No$e Candy To The Brain, You Might Just Get A Concussion”
Few days back while I was on leave, the Capital City monster Bobby Trill dropped a new Dell Soda-produced track titled “No$e Candy” that was pure heat, he sent that muthafucker off once again in a track that we here are very hype to be sharing on the site for our followers today. We expect nothing but mean verses when it comes to Bobby Trill’s flow because there ain’t nothing like it, he keeps real and of course brings another five that you can’t fuck with and definitely feel like K can relate to it when I hear lines like
“Spit On My Grave And Tell Me I Never Amounted To Nothing But Whenever I Die Just Make Sure That I’m Buried Next To The Function”
making it a new all time favorite among the WAVEZ and of course plans to be featured on our Season 2 of Hi-Tide radio which is coming soon. If you haven’t jam the track yet then your missing out so stop wasting time and get familiar with Bobby Trill. (Salute)