Heist Martinez - Replacement

       “I’m Falling, I’m Fading. Your Not The Same You Were With Me”

Heist has been keeping a low profile lately since before he had been giving us a crazy amount of content to enjoy throughout the year and as we got closer to end of 2018 we knew not to count him out as during the weekend we were blessed with a new melodic jam titled “Replacement” that has been captivating new ears to his craft while bringing his long time fans a newly found gem to enjoy for the remainder of the year.

 “I Would Cross Every Ocean...To Get To You” 

Heist breaks through once again of having his heart on his sleeve as he shares an intimate story of loss that’s I’m sure we can relate to and it’s that kind of artisty that will make him a heavy hitter entering the new year. We’ve grown fond of seeing Heist music journey expand more and more after every release which we know it’ll be even bigger in 2019 and that will be a sight to see for sure. We highly recommend for y’all to check out the track below while continuing to show much support by running up the plays. (Salute) 
