Luke 4K - Told You (Video)

The homie 9INETY8 sent us an email on this video from LUKE 4K titled "Told You" saying we have to check it out, he had nothing to do the track or video but wanted to show love and I respect that right there so off the strength of that I checked it out just cause I'm not all familiar with Luke 4K but I'm always curious to learn about new music. So I checked out the video and god bless 9inety8, this video was mad dope, I definitely dig the sound of the track and just the greatness of the visual on how it matches the track so perfectly. I'll be keeping my eye out more for music or visuals from Luke 4K hopefully in the near future. Check it out below if you haven't yet and be sure to show it much love as always. (Salute) 
