MaryTheHeathen - Curious prod Trademark X RIO
so recently MaryTheHeathen dropped this heater titled "Curious" produced once again by Trademark & yooo as always I'm fuckkng with it heavy, definitely a track that is gonna be in constant rotation for awhile but then again it's MaryTheHeathen music we're talking about so it's expected & thank god I was up last night or I would've had to wait for he morning to listen... this RIO track she dropped last night & fuuuuck this track is too muthafuckin icy from the sick beat to Mary insane flow we love forreal I had this playing all last night & I definitely need some visuals to this track sometime in the future best believe this track is playing at the next function it's very necessary to be played at ALL functions, be sure to check the track above & below to show it mad support (salute)