Pat Ron - This Time Last Year (Album)

One of the most anticipated project I was waiting to hear easily became my favorite album of 2017 within just 1 days (no bullshit). After dropping the album cover along with a visual directed by The Daily Ooze, Pat Ron was ready to release his album titled “This Time Last Year” which you best believe I made time on Christmas Eve to hear it in its entirety which not 1, not 2 but 3 play throughs later it made it a perfect way to end the year of 2017 on the highest of notes. Pat Ron packed 14-tracks of pure heat that I think the masses are really going to enjoy and definitely will be the highlight of this week releases. With the release of the album there are no excuses on why you should not be familiar with Pat Ron’s music and we hope to see people recognize real when it’s face with this type of music. Highly recommend you check the album below and show it much love as always. (Salute) 
