The Teeta - KillStreak 2 (Mixtape) entirely prod by BOSSSBEATZ (NTRL Exclusive)

The Teeta had been quiet lately but a few days back he explained it was becuase he had been working on “Kill Streak 2” with BOSSSBEATZ who supplied much heat for this project and you best believe has been getting much love already from the wavez. This 9-track mixtape comes with much firepower but not only from The Teeta artist such as $teve Cannon, ImYoungin and even BOSSSBEATZ laid down some flames which all together makes a project that was definitely worth the wait. Down below will be a link to view the mixtape on other platforms and also a link to SoundCloud to enjoy it on the site. Y’all be sure to share the project around and be sure to show it much love as always. (Salute) 


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