OttoSilence X Mduke X SoSantone X Lil Yodaa - Half On A Baby prod Adam Martin

So I recently got put on to the dope music that is OttoSilence very talented artist definitely fuck with the type of music he does so when I saw this "Half Of A Baby" track that's filled with great talent I knew I had to get it on the site for sure. So not only do we get a verse from OttoSilence that showcases his monster lyricism but we also get features verses from SoSanAntone, Lil Yodaa & Mduke who all kill this track with ease very dope to see all theses titans comings together on this be sure to check out the track below & be on the lookout for us to drop an exclusive & a review on his album coming soon as well (salute) 
