Mpres - Collateral Beauty EP (Review)
In The beginning of Collateral Beauty it starts off as a dark journey through he's mind and gives you a glimpse of his internal conflict with the track "Intro" and 'Mpres" . The productions on those two tracks give it that dark melodic tone to it and sets the mood for the rest of the EP. Moving forward in the EP the track The Man is one the most active and has that bravado to it but not in a bragging way almost like he dusts himself and will rise above all the negativity. In the track Lost ones and I'm Sorry he pours out he's personal life on the track. The title Collateral Beauty is definitely a fitting name for this project. Lyrically it is good and seems that he took he's time to perfect the stories for each track it is descriptive and flow well from one track to another. Mpres has a good solid project with Collateral Beauty.