Kap G: Super Jefe Tour Recap (San Antonio)

First off shoutout to Scoremore Shows for welcoming the WAVEZ to do media at the Kap G show in San Antonio at the Alamo City Music Club where I gotta say he put on a hell of show. Show started off with an amazing artist who goes by OD who set the crowd ablaze, definitely like the momentum he bring to the stage. Second opener came through blessing the stage matching the same caliber as the previous artist and just kept a very high crowd volume. Next artist who goes by Paper Paulk invaded the stage just adding to the great atmospehere that the previous artist's maintained did a great job then because of J.R. Donato abesence from the tour to deal with family issues (hope all is well bro) so by surprise Kyle Lee invades the stage getting the crowd hyped as always. Finally we get to the artist who's been setting it off for the Super Jefe tour, Kap G himself who did a fucking hell of a job lighting up the Alamo City Music Club with his uptempo vibe and mancho status to tear up a show which is exactly what he did. If you missed the show definitely don't want to miss the next that's for sure, check the pics down below and let's get ready for the next Scoremore Show. (ride the WAVEZ)
