Tribe Mafia - Teepee Gang (Album)

ATX rap duo Tribe Mafia released a new album titled “Teepee Gang” back in March where recently we were introduce to the zealous content distributed off the project that served an anomaly amount of balance wordplays and deliverance that is respected throughout the listening experience to enjoy over and over again.

Complied with 8-tracks to engage in with it’s thrashing soundscape, Tribe Mafia furnishes a plethora of harmonic tunes mixed in with edgy style hits that is pledged with sensational rhythm throughout. Endured with full fledged sourcing from taking apart fast pace energy and maximizing it towards echelon heights based off of what is contributed in tracks like “Triple Double” & the Leekthough featured joint “Follow Me” among the others in the project your bound to be hooked in this play through of celebratory sounds matched with savagery cadence.

This being the first chance we get to check out Tribe Mafia’s content, I got to say I was hooked off the first track that lead into the play through of the album that continues to be set in rotation during my self quarantine period. Be sure if you haven’t yet listen to the album, you stream it here and share it around on all social media avenues.

Frank Campos