Brooklyn Michelle - Found It

Brooklyn Michelle is wasting no time, last year she released her tragically haunting, gorgeously melancholy debut “Lithium”, a illusory trip into her fragmented psyche & the sound of someone in & out of the brink of losing it but if she lost her mind there, here she has “Found It.”

“Found It” finds Brooklyn finally coming to terms with the hand she was dealt while making the best of it, still melancholic as the tracks on her debut with the trap drums and daunting melodies, fluctuating her vocal range to create an airy & eerily atmospheric tonality.

Imagine enough smoke to fog mirrors, enough mist to get lost in her mystique, it’s maladaptive daydreaming at its finest, nightmarishly gorgeous is her signature sound after all, we’ll just have to keep following her through the smog & hold onto the hope we don’t lose her track let alone ourselves along the way.