Click-Clack - Songs I Don’t Hate (Album)

First off, what a very leading title cause there really isn’t a song one could hate on this, each record is exuberant as it gets, coming at the listeners ear like a bullet leaving the chamber of a gun and into the air, Click-Clack, Bang!

Records like “Spin The Block”, “Booted”, “Radical” are pure velocity, something out of a Need For Speed soundtrack while others like “More Love”, “Off N On”, “You Know It” offer a more Trap influenced R&B, tracks like “Moneyline”, “Utmost” bringing out the gangsta in CC, “Right Now” bringing out the arrogance in a zany club banger, the wiggly wobbly uniqueness of “Unlock”, there’s a little something for everyone on here.

Lots of sounds charging towards the listener for one nauseatingly dizzy, experimentally inventive listening experience you will find yourself cautiously revisiting no matter how many migraines the head spinning it’ll give you gives you.