TEDDYTHELEGACY - Room 402 (Single)

Austin’s own mainstay in native TEDDYTHELEGACY has more than further been putting in his part to making sure his legacy is one that’ll go down in history with how active he’s been this year. Another stellar effort in his album “Twenty16,” & this being his 5th single release of the year & like usual with TEDDY, it’s another one for the books.

He’s sitting in a red room, going through images of her, missing who she once was before she was pinning the blame on him for everything wrong with her life. He’s barely breathing under the anesthesia inducing production as he’s letting her know he’s letting go & moving onto something, someone anew & hopefully she can continue knowing what she just lost.

Time has been healing him on the low, but he’s not sure he came around early enough for her to want him anymore. She refuses to make it work, so why should he keep wasting his energy? It’s only going to come back around to bite him, so it’s just not worth it, though from time to time, he comes back to “Room 402” & reminisces back when things were actually amicable.