Brock MacKenzie & Orionbenz - Aquaqanesous (Album)

Ethereal as can be, Brock MacKenzie’s latest is straight out of a fever dream, one you’ll wish you never awake from, dreamscapes seamlessly flowing into one another to create an out of body experience so heavenly, it’ll make the angels weep.

Lots of fuzzily warming synths create a blanketing canvas, courtesy of Orionbenz (more like Orion’s Belt) & Shoegaze esque vocals that sleepwalk all over the hazy production but are damn near buried in the mix, the foggy mist, which is one of the elements I personally adore when it comes to the genre of Shoegazing, yet this is more so stargazing.

This can be played to calm your nightmares or further your daydreams, either way, it doesn’t get any more dreamier than this gorgeously crafted, spell binding, dizzyingly concise masterpiece that’ll leave it’s listeners weightless for light years to come.