The Loft - After All This Time (Video) Shot By Snow Owl Media Prod By Hopper Beats

At the beginning of September, we received a new visual from The Loft titled “After All This Time” that gave us an innovated look into the emcees’s psyche of creating such a unique visual direction that really compliments his craft in the most promising way. He has gone through significant depth to paint his emotions in a way that you can understand his sorrows and feel like you can find peace in somebody who gone through a similar journey your going through now.

Shot By Snow Owl Media & produced by Hopper Beats, The Loft starts dwelling into his tale of being a lost forgotten soul in his ambition to be with the one he loves and felt like it was suppose to last forever but due to loss in himself and his significant other he believes now that this was the heartbreaking conclusion that was always meant to be. He cuts real deep in this visual interpretation of love lost and just knowing this will help his musical journey go far since taking what he’s gone through and maximizing it to it’s full potential will make his content grow throughout the listeners that come across his music.

We highly recommend for you to peep this latest offering from The Loft down below and be sure to continue stacking up the views while showing it much attention by sharing it around on all social media avenues. (Salute)