Liveola - The Livest Summer (Album)

How do set the mood for the hottest season of the year? You dropped the “The Livest Summer” album and have the city roaring with support and love during the pool parties, which is exactly what Liveola did during the July 4th festivities as his second album of the year comes with smash hits and block bleeders for the summer heat. Supplied in 13-Tracks you get some heavy hitting, lane switching, dirty south gems that will be blasting through the Texas atmosphere for the months ahead.

Assisted throughout the album, you have verses and choruses being blessed by the likes of King Kyle Lee, Sammy Sosa, Paul Wall, Cool Dre, Twi Gutta and Benzo who do there part accordingly to Liveola’s signature status of being programmed to wreck which he does flawlessly in this album and definitely keeping it showing that he hasn’t lost a beat since being away for long. I can’t wait to see what Live does next, hopefully more engagement with media such as interviews or table talks and maybe even tour dates but until more news like that surfaces we wish him nothing but the best in his endeavors and will continue to show him the support and love he deserves. Be sure to check out The Livest Summer down below via Apple Music and share the project on all available social media avenues. (Salute)

[HERE] Apple Music Link