Tony Tone - New Crib Freestyles (EP) Executive Prod By Por Vida

PNTHN lyricist Tony Tone recently released an EP of harmonious tunes titled “New Crib Freestyles” that were all laced with the prestigious production of PNTHN producer Por Vida for a solo debut project that gave an in-depth look into signified sound that Tony Tone has delivered in the past and now is given a spotlight of his own to bask in.

Conveyed in 5-tracks, Tony Tone complies a grittier sound that expected but don’t get it twisted since he relayed a cycle of some of the hardest bars coming out the Lone Star State to the menacing production provided throughout the tape that will set his drive on display. Elevated through the roof, Tony Tone divulges out a lo-fi sounding EP before exiting 2019 that will bring much attention to his solo journey entering the new year while remaining to be connected deeply with his PNTHN brethrens.

Stream the EP here if you haven’t had the opportunity to check it out yet and make sure to continue sharing it around on all social media platforms (SALLUTE)

Frank Campos