Ransom Watson - All My Dreams Turned 2 Nightmares (Album) Executive Prod By Prvyed Up
Without further ado, we bring you the latest release from Ransom Watson titled “All My Dreams Turned 2 Nightmares” where he linked with producer Prvyed Up to deliver a hell emerging project to life in 10-tracks that will conquer your listening experience with it’s menacing tales & perilous production that fits perfectly with the audio consumption.
Embarked through the psyche of Ransom Watson who shares his ambitious fantasies that are turned into night terrors that keep his awakening lifestyle to trouble stages. He shines away from his previously released project “Silly Me Stupid You” to haunting heights as he embellishes his past feelings to create a monstrous demon that lurks behind his content to bring it to an fixational movement. He addresses this perfectly with his self titled intro that follows along with joints like “On The Run” & “Black Herse” that keep on sharing the narrative of him battling with his demons and still engaged in wrath especially when you hear tracks like “Gun Fight” & “1-800-Suspect” that emulate his past sound to a more progressive feature in his craft.
Battling with fierce energy by the waves of drums, Prvyed Up was able to supply a rhythmic aura for Ransom to reign supreme throughout the project that ended the year on a high note for the duo. With word that visuals from the album should make light in the new year, it’s expected to grow more support for the album with hopes to see more collaboration in the not so distant future. Be sure to stream the album above and continue to show it much support by sharing it around on all social media platforms.